Sustainable Jersey hub for Burlington, Camden and Gloucester Counties
Calling all aspiring poets, song writers, and other folks who want to express their feeling on Climate Change and the environment through their artistic voice: The Borough of Oaklyn Green Team will be hosting our next Eco-Poetry Slam on Wednesday, December 4th at Common Grounds (7 PM). The Master of Ceremonies for this fun evening will be the Green Team’s own Rachel Brody. (After-Party at Tonewood Brewery). REGISTRATION:
Background: Ecopoetry focuses on humanity’s relationship with the natural world in such a way that implies responsibility and engagement. An ecopoem needs to be about a non-human natural world, wholly or in part, in some way or the other. Within environmental poetry, ecopoetry explores nature and its relationship with humans with the ecopoets treating nature as “a separate and equal other.” Ecopoetry is also about the desire for creating change – it is urgent, it aims to unsettle. It has a desire to issue a “warning” of some kind.
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