Sustainable Jersey hub for Burlington, Camden and Gloucester Counties
Is the Game Over or is it GAME ON?
Pachamama Alliance’s Drawdown Workshop is an opportunity to explore new possibilities around
global warming — to get more educated, inspired, empowered – and, collaborating with others,
to get into action.
In this four-session workshop — through videos, presentations, individual research, and group
interaction — we will delve into the Drawdown solutions to reverse global warming.
Dates: March 31, April 7, 14, 28, and May 12
Please plan to attend all four sessions.
RSVP: or 856-266-7331
Facilitated by: Marty Levin & June Hament
There is no charge for this workshop. Contributions will be gratefully accepted
Preparation: To gain the full benefits of this workshop, we recommend the following:
• Buy (or borrow from your local library) the book, Drawdown, edited by Paul Hawken
and/or review the Drawdown website at We will engage with the
Drawdown material throughout the workshop.
• When scheduling your participation in this workshop, please set aside time between
sessions to research and engage with the material.
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