Sustainable Jersey hub for Burlington, Camden and Gloucester Counties
Autumn is perhaps the loveliest time of the year at Tall Pines State Preserve. Join Michael Hogan and the South Jersey Land and Water Trust (SJLWT) for a leisurely late afternoon walk through the meadows of Tall Pines. This is a special time at Tall Pines. Not only are the trees and shrubs displaying their bright autumn colors, but the meadows are alive with fall wildflowers- goldenrods (there are over 40 species native to the Northeast), bonesets, great clumps of small white aster, camphorweed and many more. This abundance of blooms draw a great variety of butterflies- the migrating monarch, common buckeye, painted lady, red admiral and many species of skippers. Tall Pines is a great place for birding too. Over 140 species have been noted here so we’ll be on the lookout for fall migrants. Bring binoculars and a camera, and join us for an afternoon of nature and good company at Tall Pines.
Please RSVP. Contact Michael Hogan at or 609-476-2086 if you have any questions.
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