Opportunity for Green Team members and others interested in Sustainability to get together and share ideas.
Proposed Agenda:
- Megan DeSmedt, Clean Water Campaign Director for Environment America. She is coordinating a project that is looking at threats to the drinking water supply in the Delaware River basin, documenting pollution sources from known sources, and exploring ways to provide the data and tools to local decision-makers, citizens and other stakeholders to act and implement local policy change and/or advocacy campaigns.
- (Not confirmed) Steve Jasiecki – SJ Hub Summit attendee who is working on ordinances for plastic bag fees and plastic balloon bans.
- Calendar of Events – webpage (Ed)
- TriCSA Resource Guide (Jessica)
- AGT Meeting Nov 11th (Ed & Val)
- Volunteers to meet with nearby Green Teams
- Individual updates (share your success/challenges). (Anyone who wants to share)