Sustainable Jersey hub for Burlington, Camden and Gloucester Counties

Move with meditation

palmyra nature cove

Join lululemon Cherry Hill as we tackle single-use plastics in the form of plastic straws. We will be meeting at The Palmyra Nature Cove promptly at 9am where Lifetime Fitness’s Lisa Gonzalez  will lead us through a walking mediation. We will be building awareness through our stroll  with natures sounds, smells and beauty. After our […]


Estell Manor Park Nature Walk

Estell Manor Park 109 Blvd Route 50, Estell Manor, NJ, United States

Join us for a guided nature walk in Estell Manor Park on July 28th and the opportunity to view some rare orchids. On the walk, we'll talk about how the area was important in WWI and keep an eye out for bald eagles that call the area home. After the walk, we'll head over to […]


Tri-County Sustainability Alliance Planning Meeting

Camden County Environmental Center 1301 Park Boulevard, Cherry Hill, NJ, United States

Help create the change you want to see.  All are welcome to help us (TriCSA) plan our next events. Connect with other active sustainability enthusiasts in our region.  Meetings start and end promptly. No registration is needed.  Email for details.


Farmer’s Market at CFET

The Farmer's Market is back at CFET. Wednesdays. Come down and take your pick of delicious vegetables and fruits, grown without chemicals in South Camden. Meet our eco interns, assistant farmers and senior farmer, and of course, Farmer Jon


Extend the Harvest with the Seed Circle Library

Haddon Township Library 15 MacArthur Boulevard, Haddon Township, NJ, United States

"Nature abhors a vacuum", so put your garden beds to work beyond the usual summer growing season. Join Master Gardener Keith Monahan to learn what (& when) to plant for harvesting into late fall, winter, and even the following spring & summer. Topics include:  planting for fall & winter harvest, protecting plants from cold weather, plants […]


Meditation & Tai Chi Monday

Williamstown Organic Community GArden 713 Marsha Ave, Williamstown, NJ, United States

Out of balance? Join us as we experience a Tai Chi demo, followed by a guided Meditation that will help bring you back in balance. Free & family friendly, we’ll meet outside at the Williamstown Organic Community Garden behind the Library at 713 Marsha Ave, Williamstown, NJ 08094. Any questions, or for more info,


Farmer’s Market at CFET

The Farmer's Market is back at CFET. Wednesdays. Come down and take your pick of delicious vegetables and fruits, grown without chemicals in South Camden. Meet our eco interns, assistant farmers and senior farmer, and of course, Farmer Jon


Webinar: Strategically Maximizing the Energy Efficiency of Your Building Portfolio

Combining New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program (NJCEP) incentives with a strategic vision can help schools and municipalities finance energy efficiency upgrades to their facilities. Planning efforts can start with Energy Tracking and Management to highlight current energy use. The next steps involve assessing energy upgrade projects and identifying available incentives from both NJCEP and utilities […]


Farmer’s Market at CFET

The Farmer's Market is back at CFET. Wednesdays. Come down and take your pick of delicious vegetables and fruits, grown without chemicals in South Camden. Meet our eco interns, assistant farmers and senior farmer, and of course, Farmer Jon


Solar Happy Hour

River Horse Brewing Company 2 Graphics Drive, Ewing Township, United States

Join Solar United Neighbors at an upcoming Solar Happy Hour on Friday, August 17th from 5:30-7:00 at River Horse Brewing Co. Come hang out with fellow solar supporters and enjoy River Horse's solar-powered beer. River Horse is participating in the national Brews from the Sun competition and this will be your last chance to vote for them to be crowned America's favorite solar craft brewery. The […]
