Sustainable Jersey hub for Burlington, Camden and Gloucester Counties

Latest Past Events

Pinelands Nursery and Supply Sustainability Speaker Series

Pinelands Nursery and Supply 323 Island Road, Columbus

Pinelands Nursery and Supply is hosting a NJDEP Sustainability Speaker Series meeting. At the meeting, their production analyst, Tom Knezick, will be discussing Pinelands Nursery and Supply's sustainable initiatives which include water conservation, renewable energy, emergency preparedness and community engagement. We will also learn how to create pollinator habitats from Kelly Gill who is both […]

Plant Swap!

Collingswood Library 771 Haddon Avenue, Collingswood

Sunday, May 5th from  1-2:30pm Collingswood Library, 771 Haddon Ave, Collingswood, NJ Calling all plant lovers! Bring your extra veggie/flower seedlings, perennial divisions, bulbs, shrubs, healthy house plants, or just come empty handed, and leave with new (to you) plant varieties. Please place your plants in containers, label them as well as possible and make sure […]

Sustainable South Jersey Earth Festival

Croft Farm 100 Borton's Mill Road, Cherry Hill

The Sustainable South Jersey annual Earth Festival is the largest eco-event in South Jersey and draws 5000 visitors. This year’s theme is: Reduce Plastic – Fantastic! This family-friendly event features: bike ride (8:30am), bike valet parking, entertainment, healthy food for purchase (vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, too), outdoor arts & crafts, earth-friendly vendors and organizations, perennial plant […]